Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Can you travel with apples?

I'm sure the guy thought it was a bad pick-up line at first...."Can you travel with apples? I mean, will I get through airport security with them?" We were in the produce isle at the local grocery store, sorting through apples when I popped him the question. Fortunately, he didn't think I was a nut - no pun intended - "That's a good question, I don't know."

We pondered for a moment when I told him I would check with the airlines and we parted ways. When I was home, I looked on the TSA Web site and found the following list: http://www.tsa.gov/travelers/airtravel/holiday.shtm
"Not sure about what you can and can't bring through the checkpoint? Here's a list of liquid, aerosol and gel items that you should put in your checked bag, ship ahead, or leave at home.

Cranberry sauce
Creamy dips and spreads
(cheeses, peanut butter, etc.)
Gift baskets with food items
(salsa, jams and salad dressings)
Maple syrup
Oils and vinegars
Salad dressing
Wine, liquor and beer"
No apples! We are soon off to Boulder, so I'll let you know how we make out.

Don't forget to check the TSA for all types of helpful information.

Happy Travels.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Traveling with Teens

Hi - As the mom of three, I have traveled to many places and we have all lived to tell the tales! I hope to share ideas of great places for traveling with teens, hot travel deals, travel spots to avoid, tips and hints, and answer questions.

Do you have favorite sites where you travel with your own teens? Do you have questions? Do you have hints and tips to share? I want to hear from you!