Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Can you travel with apples?

I'm sure the guy thought it was a bad pick-up line at first...."Can you travel with apples? I mean, will I get through airport security with them?" We were in the produce isle at the local grocery store, sorting through apples when I popped him the question. Fortunately, he didn't think I was a nut - no pun intended - "That's a good question, I don't know."

We pondered for a moment when I told him I would check with the airlines and we parted ways. When I was home, I looked on the TSA Web site and found the following list: http://www.tsa.gov/travelers/airtravel/holiday.shtm
"Not sure about what you can and can't bring through the checkpoint? Here's a list of liquid, aerosol and gel items that you should put in your checked bag, ship ahead, or leave at home.

Cranberry sauce
Creamy dips and spreads
(cheeses, peanut butter, etc.)
Gift baskets with food items
(salsa, jams and salad dressings)
Maple syrup
Oils and vinegars
Salad dressing
Wine, liquor and beer"
No apples! We are soon off to Boulder, so I'll let you know how we make out.

Don't forget to check the TSA for all types of helpful information.

Happy Travels.


  1. Your list is very helpful. Awhile back while traveling out west I bought some berry jam to bring back as a present for someone. Without thinking, I packed it in my carry on so the jar wouldn't break in my luggage. We got pulled over in the security line, they searched our bags, saw the jar wrapped in brown paper bag and busted us. Surprisingly, when they asked what it was and I told them, they let me go on the plane with it (without ever unwrapping it to be sure it was jam). But any other time I am sure I would have had to just throw out the nice present I bought. A lesson learned.

  2. Glad you could keep the jam! They wouldn't let me travel with a pocket knife that I had forgotten about. Imagine that. I had enough time to run and mail it - they were very gracious about letting me take it and send it home.

  3. Just when I thought those grocery produce guys had heard it all....
    That was a great lead to your blog by the way, very catchy, and it brought up something that I had honestly never thought about, that many foods are not allowed on planes. I would have thought it was only when crossing international lines.
    I laughed when I saw cranberry sauce at the top of the list, but I guess all those holiday travelers headed over the river and thru the woods had better not arrive at Grandma's emptyhanded!
